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How Shoulder Surgery Sparked My Love for Reading
It’s funny how life has a way of turning unexpected moments into new passions. For me, that turning point came after shoulder surgery—a time that I never could have anticipated would ignite such a love for reading.
Before the surgery, reading was something I enjoyed casually, but I never really made time for it. I was always busy—cooking, entertaining, managing work, volunteering, and handling day-to-day life. But after the procedure, everything changed. Suddenly, I was grounded, unable to do much of anything for months on end. With my arm in a brace and movement restricted, I had little choice but to slow down. And that’s when I discovered the joy of reading in a way I never had before.
The first few weeks were tough—pain, restlessness, and frustration. I couldn’t cook, I couldn’t lift things, and even simple tasks like washing my hair were out of the question. My world was smaller than it had ever been, and the stillness felt overwhelming. But then, I made a purchase that would change everything: a Kindle.
The Kindle became my lifeline during recovery. With my shoulder brace, holding a physical book was impossible, but the Kindle was light, portable, and could be adjusted to suit my needs. I could prop it up on a pillow, tap the screen with my good hand, and lose myself in a world of stories.
I dove in headfirst, devouring books faster than I ever thought possible. In just a few months, I read 52 books. Two a week—sometimes more. I found myself reading during physical therapy sessions, in waiting rooms at doctor’s appointments, and even while sitting in the car. My Kindle went everywhere I did. I had become obsessed, but in the best way possible. The more I read, the more I realized how much I had been missing out on all these years.
What began as a way to pass the time during a difficult recovery became an obsession, and my love for reading only grew stronger. The books provided an escape, yes, but they also gave me something I hadn’t realized I needed: a way to slow down and truly appreciate the present moment. With my body healing, my mind was racing through new worlds, and I couldn’t help but be grateful for the unexpected gift of time that my shoulder surgery had brought.
Sometimes, the things we least expect—the challenges and the struggles—end up leading us to the most beautiful discoveries. For me, that discovery was the world of books, a world that has continued to captivate me and feed my soul. So, while I may never have chosen shoulder surgery to find my passion for reading, I’m incredibly grateful that it was the thing that led me there.
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